Elena S Blair Lightroom Presets: The Complete Bundle

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This bundle includes SEVEN of Elena's signature Lightroom Presets: Indoor, Outdoor, BW, Colour Moody, BW Moody, Colour Portrait, and BW Portrait

Please note, these presets come as .xmp files and will only work with the latest updated version of Lightroom for desktop.


  • These presets come as .xmp files and will only work with the latest updated version of Lightroom for desktop.
  • Show off your new presets on Instagram! Tag @elenasblair_photography and #ESBeducation for a chance to be featured in stories and on our blog. :)

These presets were made in partnership with our friends over at The Image Salon. If you’re ready to outsource your editing, the folks over at The Image Salon are super talented, professional, and FAST!

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